Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday Madness

So, it's 7 AM and I've spent the last 2 hours (my precious child-free morning card-making time) fighting with my printer over borderless printing. While trying to crank out my weekend orders, I come to the horrible realization that, although my terribly old and slow Gateway laptop has been producing borderless notecards by way of my beloved fancy HP printer without any issues for the last year, apparently my brand new ultrafast Dell laptop cannot. WHAT THE?!? Although I tried every semi-techie trick in my arsenal to make Vista talk nicely to my pretty pretty printer, it simply IS NOT POSSIBLE.

Ummmmmmmmm.... yeah. Just a minor problem. It's only my best-sellers that rely on borderless printing... Hehehe... I'm sure it will be fine....


And sooooooooo, since I can't, uh, make any cards this morning in support of my card-making business, I decided instead to make.....

stickers! When life hands you lemons, right? In an attempt to lighten the mood and give the day a little positive-energy kickstart, I stuck my happy little logo girl all over everything in sight, including the one outgoing order I was able to complete. Ah, well. I'd been meaning to pretty-up my packaging anyway...


High Desert Diva said...

aw hell...that does suck!

Hope you get it figured out!

Carry Grace said...

That stinks! I hope you get it figured out soon.

Unknown said...

Ugh, how rotten. I hope it all gets sorted. Your stickers are unbelievably adorable though!!